
Thursday 15 September 2011

I love...

Going to Gloria Jeans for a cup of coffee.
Our last visit together, we read the first 5 pages of the Nutcracker
I first started to appreciate this ritual when Westley thought going out for a coffee was a good way for us to facilitate communication in our marriage. Then I got hooked on the great coffee and started going alone as well. I used to go and read pregnancy magazines, dreaming about when I would have a baby of my own. Then I would go to study for exams or write assignments. Then I would go with my manager at work for meetings. Now I go with my children, or when Westley is home, I go to pray and read the bible. I like it when I the people that work there remember me by name. On my last visit, feeling particularly poor and cashing in my freeby (10th cup is free), they gave me an extra minicino for the girls (who were going to share), so they could each have their own. I like that :) About a year ago I was even recognised by a visiting barista from one of the city stores who remembered me from when I was frequenting her usual store about a year before that. It is a combination of the atmosphere, the coffee (and therefore caffine) and the good times I spend there. Even a bad visit is a good visit because I enjoy the time out either alone or with my children, and I always remember previous visits or look forward to the next. When I take the children, I often take a book and read to them while we are there. Good, good memories. I just love it!

1 comment:

  1. I love this entry Naoms. Going out for coffee started for me during the Hewitt days and now it is a favourite past time, with someone or alone :)


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