
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Hopscotching the lesson away

Sunshine and Sweet-pea were asking me about hopscotch and showing me how they try to play it on the tiles inside the house. That got me thinking, why not give them some chalk to draw on the concrete, we could have our own hopscotch going on and they could get some exercise and turn it into a bit of a lesson. So that is what we did!

I didn't really have any learning objectives set, I know that Sunshine could always do with reinforcing her number writing so I knew she was going to write her own numbers. They both tried to draw the squares but it didn't work out so well so I did that bit and wrote the numbers for Sweet-pea (but she had to tell me which ones to write). As I they were doing it, I realised they were refining they're coordination (we introduced the pebble throw to skip blocks).

Once they were tired and ready to go inside, Sunshine insisted on drawing  a picture of it on paper and writing about it. So we rolled in some copywork to the activity also (I wrote a sentence about it for Sweet-pea which she copied over and Sunshine composed a very long sentence which I wrote out for her to copy). Turned into quite a big lesson which all enjoyed!

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