
Friday 22 July 2011

Desperate to create

I am feeling desperate to create. I consider myself as a creative person, but not in a traditional artistic way. My artistic nature never really evolved past 2nd grade. I am not good at drawing or painting. I think that what I am good at is making things out of nothing. When I was growing up I wanted a bedside table desperately, but we couldn't afford one. So I made one with drawers out of boxes and covered it with posters (which I used until my sister bought me a real one for my next birthday!). I am good at "Playschool" typed creating, children's craft and making lots of things out of boxes. I like to be creative in the kitchen too (many times out of necessity because I have to tweak a recipe to suit eating Paleo) and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't... unfortunately. Westley is not so keen on my 'experiments' because of this, however last night I had a real win so I'm on a bit of a high from that (lamb chuck-in-a-pot I decided to call it). I don't like following recipes much, but I do enjoy eating good, yummy food.

I come from a line of women who are amazing with their hands. My mother, her mother, Nanny and her sister mastered all kinds of creativity from dress making/sewing, quilting, cake decorating, amazing cooking, baking (anything that tastes out-of-this world delicious), general crafts and decorations, gardening, floristry, I think Mum has even now just added jewellery making, and the list goes on and on and on.... They are such amazing creative and competent women. So it really should not surprise me to find I get a real itching to create stuff.

I've got many projects on the go in my head but am mostly halted by funds to buy the materials. I got a you-beaut sewing machine for my birthday so many projects twirling around in my head lately have been sewing related. I've had a couple trips to the local fabric store in the last 3 days, just to check it out/dream/plan. It was great. I just wish I could run with it all, now! Today though I pulled out a scrap of pink fleece fabric Mum had given me to make a nightie for Sweet-pea. It's cute and fluffy and has cats with balloons. So in a moment of confidence this morning, I laid it out, stuck a couple of pins, got a bowl for the head, measured a bit, and got cutting! I'm going no pattern!! Learning the way I love, through experience! So, I will let you know how it goes and if I can actually figure out how to upload a pic in a post, I just might do that too.

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