She is cute and squishy and over 3 months old. I will call her Flopsy on this blog after Peter Rabbit's sister bunny. It seems fitting, as she is so relaxed. We also affectionately call her Paleo baby, because she is our first official paleo baby and by golly she is an awesome baby. Firstly she was born quickly - in only 3 hours (thankyou Lord!) and in her 3 months she has been the most relaxed baby, almost never crying. The other night she cried. I almost didn't know what to do, a long shower calmed her down (I think that is her happy place ;) She has been amazing and of course big siblings help. They help rock her to sleep when I'm busy with dinner or chores and entertain her by dancing around and being another face in her sweet eyes.
I get lots of "wow, are they all yours?" comments in the shops and I love it. Really love it. I swan around with them like the proud mother duck with them following after me. Yep, I think they are pretty cute, which explains why I have a million of them. But honestly, this time around has probably been the easiest of all. I just don't have much spare time ;) yeah... kind of don't have much spare time at all.